What are Orbeez?!

by Shannen Bell November 02, 2016

What are Orbeez?!

Have you ever seen the commercial for Orbeez and wanted to try them?

Orbeez are a toy made out of super absorbent polymers. They begin as hard little specks, smaller than a piece of rice, but when soaked in water they grow into a ball, just larger than the size of a pea. 

Similar to the Orbeez, are our Water Bubble Gel Beads. These are such a versatile product, idea for vases, wedding center pieces or a fun thing for the kids to play with and watch grow!

We offer a vast range of range of colours to suit most events and users.

Pair our Water Gel Beads with our submersible tea lights or our Waterproof Luma Bases for an amazing lighting effect. Our favourite combination is the clear Water Beads with the Luma Base light set on it’s rainbow setting! Have all the colours you love!

View our range online now, or get in touch with any questions.

Eventfull xx

Shannen Bell
Shannen Bell
